About thoughtpro54

Long time health care professional, proud father / grandpa, passionate photographer, and independant thinker... Politics rank high in my thought processes, but I've been extricated from political party plantation of Democrats and Republicans!

CNN: David Anderson: Whites, the emerging minority

(CNN) — While on a television program several years ago, I recounted a story about moving with my family into a new home in the suburbs of Washington.   As a black family, we were welcomed to the neighborhood with a…

Read more:   http://tinyurl.com/kmk2fvq

Baltimore Sun: America is angrier and more divided than ever

Why is the nation more bitterly divided today than it’s been in 80 years? Why is  there more anger, vituperation and political polarization now than even during  Joe McCarthy’s anti-communist witch hunts of the 1950s, the tempestuous struggle  for civil rights in the 1960s…

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/mz9a5go

BlackAgendaReport.com: Glenn Ford: Expect “Massive Resistance” to Stop-and-Frisk Ruling

There is no basis for assuming that an innocent population shares the same characteristics as the criminal suspect population in the same area.”  On February 4, 1999, four plainclothes New York City police officers summarily executed Amadou Diallo in a barrage of 41 bullets

Read more:   http://tinyurl.com/mbfdhec

The Detroit News: U.S. court: Michigan Legislature ‘ignores’ constitution in fast-tracking bills

I suppose this is another example of the ‘left wing media’…   A story with as far-reaching implications as this, occurred 4 days ago, and was scarcely covered by major news outlets.

Read the story:   http://tinyurl.com/lbsqrk3

The Atlantic Wire: Dashiell Bennett : Paula Deen’s Racial Discrimination Lawsuit Was Thrown Out

The racial discrimination lawsuit that tarnished the career of Paula Deen has been thrown out of court, because the judge says that the woman who was suing the famous chef had no right to make her claim. Lisa Jackson, a former employee of Deen’s restaurant…

Read more:   http://tinyurl.com/kazbpkw

Los Angeles Times: ‘Mandatory minimum’ sentences to end for many drug offenders

SAN FRANCISCO — Federal prosecutors will no longer seek long, “mandatory minimum” sentences for many low-level, nonviolent drug offenders, under a major shift in policy aimed at turning around decades of explosive growth in the federal prison population…

Read more:  http://tinyurl.com/lv6fffy

New York Times: Stop-and-Frisk Practice Violated Rights, Judge Rules

In a repudiation of a major element in the Bloomberg administration’s crime-fighting legacy, a federal judge has found that the stop-and-frisk tactics of the New York Police Department violated the constitutional rights of tens of thousands…

Read more:   http://tinyurl.com/m3m84gt

The Guardian: Alberta oil spills cause concern over Canada’s approval of tar sands project

Spillages creating toxic ponds harming forests, killing wildlife and contaminating ground water, campaigners say.   Campaigners have raised new concerns over controversial “tar sands” after it emerged a series of oil spills have occurred…

Read more:   http://tinyurl.com/knjgwdd

TheNation: Dave Zirin: Alex Rodriguez and the True Pink Elephant (Elefante Rosa) in the Room

In all likelihood, you are feeling bloated by all-things A-Rod. Maybe you’re repulsed by the person and what you feel he’s done to baseball. Perhaps you’re just sick of the 24/7 media swarm over what a ballplayer…

Read more:   http://tinyurl.com/m2hxmlk